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·143 words·1 min
Jake Roggenbuck
Jake Roggenbuck
I am currently studying Computer Science

Format filename #

Format filenames to a command-line friendly format


Why? #

I often find myself in the command-line running programs like Neovim (aliased to v) on text files or Zathura on PDF files. I usually name files with underscores, as it’s easier to type out than a space when using the command-line. Similarly, I often don’t use slashes, parentheses, or any other character that needs to be excaped for the reason of not having to type out more than needed. However, not all files are named this way by default, so this program makes it easier to change it quickly. It’s also a good excuse to write something in Rust ( 🦀 ).

Usage #

formatfilename 0.1.0
Format filenames to a command-line friendly format

    formatfilename <filename>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <filename>    Input file