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Jake Roggenbuck
Jake Roggenbuck
I am currently studying Computer Science

typeschemalib #

A yaml like schema that can be used to check dictionaries for correct schema

Schema file #

schema example #

point: Int
my_string: Str
grade: Float

data example #

{"point": 45, "my_string": "Hey", "grade": 4.5}

Checking data for correct schema #

Test parse with stml file #

from typeschemalib import typeschemalib

if __name__ == "__main__":
    data = {"point": 45, "my_string": "Hey", "grade": 4.5}

    # Validate data from schema file
    schema = "test.stml"
    valid = typeschemalib.schema_check(schema, data)

    # Validate data from list of schema
    schema = ["point: Int", "my_string: Str", "grade: Int"]
    valid = typeschemalib.schema_check(schema, data)

    # Validate data from dict of values
    schema = {"point": "Int", "my_string": "Str", "grade": "Int"}
    valid = typeschemalib.schema_check(schema, data)

Todo #

Make schema have regex
Make documentation for stml writer
Add object type and class checker, isinstance issubclass time: DateTimeObject